Alrighty, for this month we’re back to just one site on Ezoic. That’s because I took off a site that had gotten HCU clapped to oblivion.
Gonna find a new domain and try to re-start that site before gardening season starts picking back up again.
As mentioned when I started these monthly updates, I’m publishing these income reports on the last day of each month to get fresh data your way.
Note: The sites in this report are only a portion of my portfolio and not the only sites that bring in revenue.
**And as always, I’m an affiliate marketer and this post contains affiliate links, meaning I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
Site 1: Food/Drink Niche
This site was de-indexed in March.
I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.
Site 2: Religion/Spirituality Niche
This site was de-indexed in March.
I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.
The content is already on new domain, so this may be the first one you see again.
Site 3: Food/Drink Niche #2
This site was de-indexed in March.
I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.
Site 4: Tech/Gaming Niche
This site was removed from Ezoic in 2023.
Site 5: Outdoors Niche
This site was hit by HCU in March.
I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.
Site 6: Gardening Niche
Site smacked by HCU.
I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is tragic.
Site 7: Education
This site continues to disappoint in terms of the EPMV from Ezoic versus what it was getting on Raptive ($20+) before getting booted from there with no explanation.

Look at that EPMV. Last month was $5.41 and this month is $3.79.
What a shit show.
I actually removed some of the top posts from this site to a site monetized by Mediavine.
The RPM for the posts I moved now range from $23.17 to $54.08 on Mediavine.
In Big Data Analytics, those same posts had an EPMV range from $3.48 to $10.53.
The same post that has a $54.08 RPM on Mediavine was $6.92 EPMV on Ezoic.
I just can’t. But, still, the site itself has yet to be invited to MV Journey, so I’m just moving the high traffic posts so I can actually earn what I should be earning.
Sire earnings are exactly what you see in the screenshot:
- $166.95 – Ezoic ads
- $1.45 – AdSense mediation ads
For the content on this site, I used Scalenut (use code FOREVER20 to save 20% after the free trial!) to optimize these articles. You can also use something like Frase for this.
Do note that we have one additional day left in the month, so these numbers are almost complete.
Plus, Ezoic balances are not finalized for ending month until the 4th of the following month. Just an FYI.
Looking Ahead
Other than moving the most profitable content, I’m still just doing the same things for this site.
More content + more pinning on Pinterest.
I still need to get a good Facebook page strategy going for this site too.
Questions? Let me know in the comments!
Hey, I’m Shawna. I make a living working from my laptop in places like London, Sydney, Dubai, Rome, Oslo, Bangkok, Las Vegas, Barcelona, and Amsterdam. I share how I do some of that on this website.